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Do you need to reduce your monthly child or spousal support?
Welcome to cutyoursupport.com.
Here you will find all of the information you need to take the first step in lowering your support. Find out what you need to do to help us help you lower your support. |
For many people who are obligated to pay child support, it often seems like they have to pay too much. For some people who pay child support, this is simply because they believe that the money goes straight to the other parent and is of no real benefit to the child. But for others, they may really be paying just too much.
The fact that child support or alimony was set by the court doesn’t mean that it can’t or shouldn’t change. There are many reasons why an existing support order can be changed or modified. Have you lost your job or has your income has decreased? Has the other party’s income gone up? Has your child turned eighteen or graduated from high school? Are you spending more time with your child? Has the cost of health insurance or day care for your child changed? Has your former-spouse moved in with someone or gotten remarried? If the answer to any of these questions is “yes,” you may be entitled to a modification of your support obligation.
Click on the buttons to the right to send us your question or to get a confidential fee quote. Prefer to talk to us in person? Contact us now to set up your no-obligation free case evaluation.
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